Everyone tells you the value of a residual/ balloon when you are applying for finance on your car, truck, excavator or any other finance you may have applied for.
They don’t tell you what happens at the end of your lease, CHP or Chattel Mortgage. If you don’t have the cash or are unable to secure residual finance, then you will have to sell your vehicle to payout the residual / balloon.
And due to the unfortunate closing of Suncorp, GE, GMAC & Ford Credit (retail sector) in the motor vehicle finance market, you may now find yourself wondering what to do about financing your residual / balloon when it falls due…… other than having to sell your car.
You may have been offered an attractive payout, but due to the current financial climate, you can’t take advantage because you can’t find anyone to finance your residual.
We at LeaseWorks want you to keep your car, truck or excavator. We have lenders in place who will finance your residual.
Don’t wait until your residual is overdue.
Call us today on 1300 39 09 79 to arrange finance for your residual.
You will only need the following to get pre-approved to finance your residual:
Call us now on 1300 390 979New Car Network Pty Ltd (ABN 45 123 842 482) MDL030412 & New Cars Australia Car Brokers BN 98301330 is a part of the Leaseworks Group of Companies